Individualized advising tailored to your business and goals
Our experienced, knowledgeable business advisors can help you at any stage of your business, from start-up to expansion to exit. We will support you in building business skills through access to timely, accurate, tailored information and resources.
The CEI Women’s Business Center offers free, confidential business advising on topics such as:
- Business plan development
- Accessing capital: how and when to access the right amount of financing for your business
- Business skills such as marketing and financial management
- Growth and expansion
- Buying or selling a business
No-cost interpretation services are available upon request.
Questions? Email
Grace Mo-Phillips
Business Advisor, Program Director CEI Women’s Business Center South
Jodi Cordes
Business Advisor, Program Director CEI Women’s Business Center Southwest
Ruth Feldman
Business Advisor, Program Director CEI Women’s Business Center Northeast
CEI Women’s Business Centers Locations
Franklin, Androscoggin, Oxford, Sagadahoc
Cumberland, York
Piscataquis, Kennebec, Waldo, Washington, Lincoln, Knox, Hancock, Somerset, Aroostook, Penobscot
Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Interpretation is available upon request.