CEI Stories

Serving & supporting small business owners just like you.


July 10, 2023

Journey Magazine 

Journey Magazine prides itself on ensuring that individual’s stories of addiction and recovery are shared with the public to inspire action.

In March 2023, Founder and Publisher Carolyn Delaney was named the SBA Small Business Person of the Year Award for Maine. As the SBA Small Business Person of the Year for Maine, Carolyn Delaney was invited to DC to attend several SBA events, and a reception with President Biden. In addition to meeting the Vice President, Carolyn was able to speak with Senator King and Senator Collins to discuss laws and policies regarding addiction recovery, which she prepared for with CEI staff to help make the most of her advocacy time.

Describe your business in one sentence. 

Journey Magazine reduces addiction stigma by making inspiring personal recovery stories more visible, lifting up the community-based mutual aid programs and by sharing accessible resources. 

What unique perspective/skills do you bring to your business? 

As a drug addict and alcoholic in recovery since 1993, I’m able to use my technical skills, my project management experience and my passion for amplifying a message of hope to Journey. Being a consummate learner, I’ve been able to focus improving my skills in the variety of areas needed to run a multi-media company.

What were the biggest challenges you faced in starting your business? In running it? 

We’re perceived as a non-profit due to our focus and the misunderstanding of the socio-economics of our readership.   

As a solo entrepreneur, me doing “all things” in addition to revenue producing tasks led to limited consistency for sales processes.  

Did CEI help you overcome any of these challenges? Describe how you have worked with our team.  

Working with Sarah on priorities has helped to keep moving me forward, the Fast Loan was instrumental in me being able to apply for and and successfully be awarded a large contract that has enabled me to hire staff. Now I’m able to shift my focus to revenue.

What are your hopes for your business in the next 1–3 years? 

Over the next 12 months we’ll solidify and systematize operations with our new team and increase our sales revenue operations as we look towards scalability models over the next few years. My goal is to be a national media company with a local presence within 5 years.  

What might make it easier to improve your business’s environmental sustainability or climate resilience?

I’d like to someday be able to afford putting our magazine on environmentally friendly paper 

In your opinion, what makes a job a good job? How are you providing good jobs for yourself and your employees? 

Being able to work with our strengths most of the time towards meaningful and purposeful work that helps others and yes I am.

If you identify with a specific group—veterans, rural residents, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, Black entrepreneurs, etc.

Women and people in recovery from addiction 

Do you have any words of wisdom for others from that group starting or running a business 

Words for others starting out – have a solid and unwavering “why” that’ll get you out of bed and keep you focused on the priorities.  

Learn more about Journey Magazine:

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