6 Ways to Effect Change and Advocate for your Business

Policy Advocacy: How engaging with State Government can benefit small business

Maine is one of the few states with a citizens’ legislature, which is made up primarily of citizens who have a full-time occupation besides being a legislator.

Your legislators are regular Mainers. They are teachers, farmers, lawyers,health care professionals and small business owners. To best serve the people of Maine, legislators rely on Maine people and Maine businesses to bring attention to issues that affect them.

When you become engaged in policy-making – whether following the progress of a proposed law, contacting your public officials, or introducing the idea for a new law – you are helping make Maine a better place for small business owners – including you.

1. Contact Your Public Officials

Consider introducing yourself to your local, county and state officials, including State House legislators (House and Senate) and (if applicable) relevant state agency policy and program staff.  You may also wish to contact Maine’s federal delegation.  Click below to find your public official/contact information.

Maine State Government

Maine’s Federal Delegation

2. Follow a specific bill

Have you heard about a specific bill (proposed law) from the news, a peer or advocacy group? There are many reasons why you may want or need to support, oppose, or simply monitor progress on a particular bill.

3. Follow a Committee to learn more about broad topics

Don’t have a specific bill you’re following, but want to know what the legislature is discussing when it comes to small business? Follow the committees.

4. Provide Input

Your voice matters. Each committee invites supporters and opponents of a bill to present or submit testimony “for,” “against,” or “neither for nor against.”

5. Seek out Advocacy Support

Need more assistance or want to brainstorm?

All queries will be directed to CEI’s Policy Advocacy Team

6. Propose a New Law

Only a legislator can submit a legislative request (bill proposal). However, if you have attempted to find alternative solutions to a problem, and it has become clear that legislative action or oversight are needed to resolve an issue or improve the business ecosystem, here are some basic steps to get you started.