Tag: Women’s Business Center

Brand Breakthrough Sprint: Build a Better Brand in Just One Month

The Brand Breakthrough Sprint is a fast-paced, 5-week program designed for women entrepreneurs who want to quickly gain clarity and build a…


Spokeswomen Winter 2025

Spokeswomen: a facilitated peer group designed to help female entrepreneurs become more persuasive and effective communicators for a wide range…


March Tuesday Toast Talks: Meet, Share, & Connect

Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater…


February Tuesday Toast Talks: Meet, Share, & Connect

Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater…


January Tuesday Toast Talks: Meet, Share, & Connect

Join WBC Business Advisor, Jodi Cordes, for an informal networking meeting with new, existing, or aspiring female entrepreneurs from Greater…


The Fundamentals of Accepting Payments and POS

Starting a new business can be overwhelming due to the sheer number of decisions required. The adage “You don’t know…


Understanding Processing Rates - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

Beyond family, home, and health, a business might be someone’s most significant investment. For businesses that accept credit and debit…


March Biz Fit: STEM, STEAM, or STUMPED

Are you involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art or Math? Regardless of what sector you’re in – come for some…


February Biz Fit: It's Getting Hot In Here - Climate Change + Your Business

We can’t ignore the hot, the cold, the storms; how do you adjust within your business? How do you mitigate…


January Biz Fit: Embracing Your Inner Marie Kondo

How to lose the business clutter using the "Kon Mari" Method. "In the end the real goal is to discover…
