Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Questions


I am already licensed. Am I still eligible?

If you were newly licensed after March 28, 2022, you are eligible to apply for the grant.

I already increased licensed capacity. Am I still eligible?

If you increased your licensed capacity after March 28, 2022, you are eligible to apply for the grant.

Can I apply for a start-up grant and then an expansion grant for the same license number?

No. Only one grant will be awarded per license number.

I currently have a child care business and want to open a 2nd child care in another location.  Am I eligible to apply?


I have a Family Child Care within my home licensed for 12 children and I’m interested in closing that and starting a facility outside my home for a total of 20 children – adding 8 more to my licensed capacity. Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a Family Child Care seeking to add to your licensed capacity in a new location with a Facility license and closing your current location, you can apply for the Child Care Facility Expansion Grants.

Can I increase my Family Child Care within my home if my licensed capacity is already at a max of 12?

Yes, you may be able to expand to a Facility license, however, there are special licensing and fire marshal requirements. We recommend you speak with your licensor prior to applying.

I have a Facility child care license and I’m interested in moving to a new location so that I can add more children. Am I eligible?

Yes, if you have a Facility license and want to expand in a new location and close your current location, you can apply for the Child Care Facility Expansion Grants. If you keep your current location and start a 2nd location, you can apply for Child Care Facility Start-Up Grants.

I need a new septic system to meet local code requirements.  I am not planning to add more children to my licensed capacity. Can I apply?

No. The purpose of the Child Care Infrastructure Grant Program is to increase licensed child care slots across the State. If you are not looking to either open a new child care or increase licensed capacity, you will not be eligible for the grant.

Although my license says I can have 20 children, my current enrollment is only 14.  I’d like to expand to 20.  Am I eligible?

No. To be eligible, you must expand your licensed capacity.

Will I be eligible for the grant if I reduce my licensed capacity and then increase at a later date?

You may be eligible to apply for the grant six (6) months after a reduction of licensed capacity and must increase by the amount reduced, plus an additional 25% of the reduction amount. For example: Licensed capacity was decreased on 10/1/2022 from a licensed capacity of 50 to 40. You would be eligible to apply on 4/1/2023 with a minimum increase of 13 children. (50-40+10, 10*.25=13) 

I currently have (or want to open) a nursery school. Which grant am I eligible for?

If your nursery school is outside of your home, you would be eligible to apply for either the Facility Start-Up or Facility Expansion grant. If your nursery school is inside your home, you are eligible to apply for the Family Child Care Start-Up or Family Child Care Growth grant.

Q: My child care program is under investigation. Am I eligible?

Child care providers with pending investigations or licenses that are “conditional” or “sanctioned” will not be processed and/or awards will not be granted. Awards may be rescinded for programs that become “conditional” or “sanctioned.”

If you apply for a grant and your child care program is under investigation or has a “conditional” license status or has a “sanctioned” license status, your application will be reviewed when your program status is “Active” and no longer “under investigation.”

Application Status

Family Child Care

I am turning my garage into a child care space and need to lay down flooring, add drywall and partition off a bathroom. Do I qualify for the “Adding a Room to my Home” grant?

No, this is considered a renovation. Adding a room is defined as adding square footage to a home by extending the footprint with new exterior walls, roof and a floor where there currently isn’t one.

I have a Family Child Care within my home licensed for 12 children and I’m interested in closing that and starting a facility outside my home for a total of 20 children – adding 8 more to my licensed capacity. Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are a Family Child Care seeking to add to your licensed capacity in a new location with a Facility license and closing your current location, you can apply for the Child Care Facility Expansion Grants.

Can I increase my Family Child Care within my home if my licensed capacity is already at a max of 12?

Yes, you may be able to expand to a Facility license, however, there are special licensing and fire marshal requirements. We recommend you speak with your licensor prior to applying. 

Child Care Facility / Center

I am a building a new child care facility from the ground up.  What grant do I apply for?

If you are expanding from an existing child care facility that you are closing, you are eligible for the Child Care Facility Expansion Grants.  If you are starting a new child care facility, you are eligible for the Child Care Facility Start-Up Grants.

What is the maximum grant award for construction of a new facility?

For Facility Start Up, you are eligible for up to 50% of eligible costs for a maximum award of $80,000, provided you meet all other criteria stated in the grant application.

For Facility Expansion, you are eligible for up to 50% of eligible costs for a maximum award of $30,000, provided you meet all other criteria state in the grant application.

What is the maximum grant award for renovating a new location?

For Facility Start Up, you are eligible for up to 50% of eligible costs for a maximum award of  $80,000, provided you meet all other criteria stated in the grant application.

For Facility Expansion, you are eligible for up to 50% of eligible costs for a maximum award of $30,000, provided you meet all other criteria state in the grant application.

I have a Facility child care license and I’m interested in moving to a new location so that I can add more children. Am I eligible?

Yes, if you have a Facility license and want to expand in a new location and close your current location, you can apply for the Child Care Facility Expansion Grants. If you keep your current location and start a 2nd location, you can apply for Child Care Facility Start-Up Grants

Business Owner / Employers

I am a business owner interested in offering on-site child care for employees. Am I eligible to apply?

Yes! The Child Care Facility Start-Up Grant is the right application for you if you are not currently offering on-site child care.

Nonprofit Organizations

We are a nonprofit organization wanting to start a child care program. The applications seem to be written as if a person is applying. How do we complete the application?

A childcare license is earned based on the facility meeting child care & fire regulations plus the director’s credentials. Accordingly, the director / person with the qualifications for the number of children you seek a license for should complete the application. You need a director to apply.

Award Disbursement Process

How does the award disbursement process work?

Awards are disbursed in milestones achieved, which are outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding that you are required to sign prior to receiving award funds.

You will upload proof of achievement of each milestone into the same folder as your Expense Workbooks. As you upload proof that you have achieved each milestone outlined in the Memo of Understanding, you signed, you will receive a percentage of your total award.

How do you know I have achieved the milestones?

You will upload photos and receipts to demonstrate that you have achieved the milestones listed in the Memo of Understanding you signed. We receive an alert when you upload content.

Do I have to achieve milestones in order?

No. You can achieve any milestone at any time and do not have to achieve them in order to receive award funds.

Will I have to claim a grant as income on my taxes?

Yes. We recommend that you discuss any questions regarding taxes and the grant with your accountant.

What happens if I decide not to move forward with my project, or I can’t move forward due to medical issues and/or death?

Please let us know if you decide not to move forward with your project so that we can reallocate your award to someone else. The State reserves the right to recoup funds in the event a project is not completed.

I can’t find a link to the folder where I need to upload proof of milestone achievement.

Send an email request to:


I would like to appeal the decision regarding my application to the Child Care Infrastructure Grant Program. How can I do that?

The application review process and information on how to request reconsideration is listed on our main website page: Maine State Child Care Infrastructure Grant Program | CEI (