Commercial and Community Scale Solar Survey

Determining Demand for Mid-Size Installations

Workers Install Solar Panels

Thank you for participating in Maine’s Commercial and Community solar survey. CEI is committed to expanding access to solar energy in Maine. Over a decade ago, CEI realized the impact that flexible solar financing could have for Mainers when we started making solar loans to small businesses that were considered “unbankable” in Maine’s traditional financial system.

In order to properly plan its resource allocation over the next five (5) years, CEI is seeking more information on the size of the demand for financing solar projects that sit above residential and below utility scale.

The answers you provide will be used internally at CEI amongst staff and board members. They will not be published in part or aggregate or shared with any competitors or other respondents to this survey.

Primary Contact Person


About Your Business

Counties Served or Expected to Serve within next 5 years
Select all that apply.
Let us know anything else you think we should know.

Projected Employment

Please list the number of full time employees you expect to have by the end of each of the following years.

Projected Average Project Scale

List the average kWh per project you expect to have in each of the following years.

Projected Number of Projects

Please list the project number of projects you expect to complete in each of the following years.

Projected average project cost

Please list your average total project cost, including developer fees, in each of the following years.

Domestic Content Adder Eligibility

Please list the % of projects in your pipeline you expect to be DCA eligible for each of the following years.

Energy Communities Adder Eligibility

Please list the % of projects in your pipeline you expect to qualify for the Energy Communities Adder in each of the following years.

Low-Income Communities Adder Eligibility

Please list the percentage of projects in your pipeline will qualify for the Low-Income Communities Adder in each of the following years.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities

Please list the % of projects in your pipeline you expect to qualify as low-income and disadvantaged communities under the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund as defined by The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST) or the EJScreen tool in each of the following years.