CEI Staff

Our dedicated team committed to serving you

CEI Financial Development Services

Mechelle Given

Financial Development Counselor

About Mechelle

Mechelle Given’s role in CEI’s Financial Development Services focuses on HUD-approved and required HECM reverse mortgage counseling for seniors who may be considering a reverse mortgage as an option. In addition, she is the primary Financial Capability coach for Maine’s Resident-Owned Manufactured Housing Communities, spread throughout Maine from Veazie to Arundel. She assists these clients in developing and reaching goals, connecting them to potential resources, and help them work towards being more financially secure. Mechelle has also completed both a certificate course in grant writing from the University of Southern Maine and a certificate in Non-Profit Management. In addition to her counseling duties, she provides grant-writing and fundraising assistance to the department. Mechelle earned her B.S. in management and political science from Russell Sage College.

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