September 25, 2014
Interphase Energy
It’s a common assumption that pellet heat comes from pellet stoves. The owners of Interphase Energy, importers of Kedel boilers, hope to change that. Kedels are manufactured in Denmark and provide an efficient heating option not dependent on fossil fuels. First point of clarification, these are boilers, not stoves, so they replace your existing heating system. A variety of systems allow for automatic loading, reducing the need for a home owner to manually feed the boiler.

“Consumers are actively seeking us out, looking for a way to keep a central heating system and get away from heating with oil or fossil fuels,” said Jacob Roberson, one of the co-founders of Interphase Energy. “We’ve seen tremendous growth in the past few years and working with CEI as a lender has been critical to our trajectory.” In addition to being affordable and automated, all Kedel boilers have a self-cleaning high efficiency heat exchanger, a web-enabled touch screen controller, a digitally controlled combustion system, and a 30-year warranty.
Some of Interphase’s growth is due to companies like Pellet Co, which clusters Kedel boilers in containers creating, in essence, a Kedel power plant which is then connected to the heating system of an industrial user. Using this method, Pelletco currently supplies heat to The China Lake Conference Center and Camp, and the Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research, among others.
“Funding companies like Interphase Energy fits our mission on many levels. Interphase is poised for additional growth as consumers look towards more green options for home and industrial use, providing business returns and a cleaner supply of energy,” said Cole Palmer, Loan and Investment Officer, CEI.
Regionally, pellet heat, on a large scale, offers dramatic benefits: savings and efficiencies for homeowners but also energy that comes from a natural resource that can be produced and manufactured in Northern New England creating jobs and spurring rural economic development.