
How We Invest

At CEI Capital Management, rural investment is personal.

Far from a remote, hands-off investor, we live and work in rural communities, cultivating a deep understanding of the challenges these communities face.

Rural workers disproportionately work in low-wage jobs with limited benefits: 40% of rural workers earn less than $15/hour compared to 29% of urban workers.

The lack of good jobs that provide at least a living wage and basic benefits means that 43% of adults in rural communities have a high likelihood of material hardship and have the least amount of flexibility to adjust to pressures like inflation. 

We invest to address these issues in communities across rural America.

Manufacturing businesses provide one of the few pathways to quality jobs, particularly for those with lower levels of formal education. This is why we prioritize manufacturing companies based in rural communities that create Good Jobs that:

Pay a Living Wage

for the business’s location, as defined by the MIT Living Wage Calculator for a Single Adult.

Supply Basic Benefits

including paid time off, support for employee’s health and well-being, and retirement or wealth-building opportunities, including stock options or employee-ownership.

Offer opportunities for economic mobility, including training and advancement,

with an emphasis on jobs targeted to people with low-to-moderate incomes.

Plus: An emphasis on companies that demonstrate a deep commitment to social benefits

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Selected Portfolio

Since 2004, CEI Capital Management has placed over $1.02 billion in over 100 projects across the U.S., see below for examples of our investments nationally and within Maine.

National NMTC Investment Examples Maine New Markets Capital Investment Examples

National NMTC Investment Examples


National NMTC Investment Examples

Quaker Windows

Eldon, Missouri

Expansion of a window & door manufacturer, creating 220 new good jobs.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Premium Peanut – South Carolina

Santee, South Carolina

The expansion of a grower-owned peanut shelling company, creating 62+ Good Jobs.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Global Polymer

Madison, South Dakota

Custom Thermoplastic Molder expansion, creating 205 new good jobs.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Rodgers Wade Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Paris, Texas

Preserving 57 existing and creating 40 new Good Jobs at this family-owned manufacturer.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Circle Seafoods

Alberdeen, Washington

Creating 93 Good Jobs & improving the Pacific wild-caught salmon sector with custom freezing barges.

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National NMTC Investment Examples


Union, South Carolina

Manufacturer of mushroom-based leather alternative creating 354 new Good Jobs.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Monogram Foods

Martinsville, Virgina

Increasing capacity of snack food manufacturing facility by 80% and creating new Good Jobs.

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National NMTC Investment Examples

Grassland Dairy

Greenwood, Wisconsin

Expansion of family-owned dairy processor, preserving/creating Good Jobs and supporting local farms.

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Maine New Markets Capital Investment Examples


Maine New Markets Capital Investment Examples


Brunswick, Maine

Built-to-suit office and clean manufacturing space for Mölnlycke, maker of a single-use surgical and wound care solutions.

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Maine New Markets Capital Investment Examples

Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort

Rangeley, Maine

The reopening of an economic engine that will bring ~$6 million in visitor spending to Franklin County annually.

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image of Tubelite Inc.

Tubelite Inc.

“Located approximately 15 miles east of downtown Dallas, Mesquite is known as a working class area with a renowned rodeo that served as…”

image of The Galvan Foundation

The Galvan Foundation

“In many communities, “development” has become synonymous with gentrification – the displacement of long-time, lower-income residents who cannot afford rising prices for housing,…”

image of Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort

Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort

“Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort has served as the economic engine of the Rangeley Lakes region in Franklin County, Maine, for over 50 years,…”

image of Lāna‘i Community Health Center

Lāna‘i Community Health Center

“Residents of Lāna‘i, Hawai‘i’s smallest inhabited island, are largely Filipino and Native Hawaiian, and 10.3% of households face some level of linguistic isolation.…”

image of Lyme Mountaineer

Lyme Mountaineer

“Wyoming, McDowell, Mingo and Logan Counties , WV For over 40 years, The Lyme Timber Company LP (“Lyme”) has invested in US timberland.…”